The latest installment of Picture This Entertainment's, "Boy's Briefs". Using the subtitle "Schoolboys", this collection centers around boys and young men at school and college and each of the films is a winner.
"Kali Ma" is a 16 minute film about what happens when a suburban Indian mother discovers that her son is being bullied at school and afterwards. She decides to use her own form of revenge which is little more than vigilante justice. She is determined to see her son be happy regardless of the consequences. We get a look at what divides mothers and sons and what ties them together.
"Secrets" is a bold short film running 15 minutes about one night with five boys, a deck of cards and a gay crush. As the boys explore erotic asphyxiation, the five learn something new about themselves.
"Flatmates" is from Norway and it runs 21 minutes. It's a familiar story of a young man in live with his straight roommate who exhibits a great deal of homoeroticism. The film deals with loving a best friend and the difference between abuse and tenderness.
"Benny's Gym" is a gem from Norway running 25 minutes. Young Alfred is the victim of bullying from other boys including Benny. Benny wants a tattoo so Alfred draws one on his arm at a secret meeting between the two and thereby starts a friendship that begins reluctantly but becomes warm as time passes. But this is a relationship that must remain secret. Here we watch the two young boys grow up.
"You, Me and Him" is a Brazilian film (18 minutes) that looks at Danilo who learns that his parents have been killed in an automobile accident just after he decides to move in with his boyfriend Marcos. It seems that it is Danilo's younger brother that will decide what will happen to this relationship.
Finally is "yeah no definitely" from the United States and running 14 minutes. We meet Cam and Kiff, two loud college students who share a platonic relationship that is very intense. Cam can suppress the way he feels but it is obvious that something is bothering him. When grief and passion come together, the results are heartbreaking.
Each of the films is unique and each is worthwhile viewing. If I had to compare this "Boys Briefs" to the others, I am forced to say that this is the best of them for many reasons but primarily for the variety of the films.
Viewers Rated: ★★★★ Stars
Boys Briefs 5 is available at: